Friday, September 28, 2012

Evan Dando vs. Mimosas

Not that anyone but me has been keeping track, but if I were having a contest with myself, awarding myself some kind of topical* prize for the post with the most page views, Evan Dando's penis was winning by a landslide for a very long time.  It was a matter of personal pride that anyone who happened to Google "Evan Dando Penis" would be directed almost immediately to drinking-for-two.

(I just tried it again.  I'm number one!  In the whole wide Google universe, Evan Dando's penis and I go together like peanut butter and pickles**).

So it was with some sadness that I logged on today for the first time in weeks*** and discovered that there's officially significantly more interest in whether or not it's okay to drink mimosas while pregnant**** than there is in a certain middle-aged musician's genitalia.

I'm not sure why, but it makes me a little sad.

*As in, on topic, ie, a trophy containing Fireball Whiskey.  Not like an ointment.

**Strange.  You'd think drinking-for-two would share some of Evan Dando's popularity.  Not that I'm suggesting that Evan Dando is a little lacking in popularity.  Or that there's virtually no online interest in an Evan Dando sex tape.  Except that I'm suggesting he's not very popular and there's no online interest in an Evan Dando sex tape.  (And if not online, where?)

***Not that anyone but me is counting, except maybe one other (I'm looking at you, Chris.  complainer).

****Answer:  still no.  Seriously. I presume if you're Googling it, you already understand that drinking other alcohol while pregnant is not okay, but believe for some unknown reason that there's an exception for champagne and orange juice.  What would make you think so?  Because of the juice?  By that logic, pregnant women would also be in the clear to enjoy most of the beverages offered at all-inclusive resorts and Mexican restaurants (ie - daquiris, pina coladas, maragaritas, rum punch), as well as screwdrivers, sangria, cosmopolitans, caesars... the list could go on forever.

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