Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Blueberry Ale

Blueberry ale, to my surprise, was not even a little bit blue, dispelling any thoughts anyone may have had of me releasing a Rorschach of blue spit-up into the snow.  In flavour, it was very much like someone had taken a bottle of pale ale and then crushed some fresh blueberries in, which isn’t as unpleasant as it sounds.  For optimal drinking pleasure, I recommend that blueberry ale be enjoyed ice cold while basking in the sun on a patio in midsummer.  I do not recommend that anyone drink twelve in one sitting while cross legged on the floor of a hotel room in late winter, as I did, though to be fair I can’t say I was any the worse for it.
As usual, a group of people sitting around drinking  lead to some truly intelligent conversation.  There was a lively debate as to whether a moustache ride can be called a moustache ride if you don’t have a moustache (answer: no).  We established that men (and some women) who tragically lose the use of their arms and legs can find solace in the fact that they can still make a living offering moustache rides.  As it turns out, it is completely impossible to discuss moustache rides without also discussing Wilford Brimley (and oatmeal, and diabetus – spelling intentional).
Sara and Chris then agreed to name one of the twins Wilford Brimley should Sara develop gestational diabetus.  Talk of other baby names ensued, and when I failed to convince anyone that the other twin should be named Aloysius Granken (middle name in my honour), I suggested that a non-Brimley boy should be named Michael, because I’ve made out with a lot of Michaels.  This was misconstrued as usual – there was no intention on my part for Sara to cook up a Michael for me to make out with in 17 or 18 years.  The thought was that boys named Michael might get a lot of play and that as parents, Chris and Sara would be guaranteeing their unborn son a full and satisfying sex life. 
Things pretty much disintegrated from there.  2 a.m. found me eating a jar of jelly and several packets of Coffee Mate, as I was insatiably hungry and could find no other food in my room.
Stay tuned for next time and Fireball Whiskey.

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