Friday, April 27, 2012


It's well known that there are certain kinds of girls who seem to disappear into thin air whenever they have a boyfriend.  They stop calling, they stop returning calls, you won't see them for months and months at a time.  What's annoying about these girls is that as soon as their relationships turn sour, they reappear, seemingly oblivious to the fact that they've committed one of the crimes of friendship, start calling again, and get all up in arms when you don't immediately call them back.

I wouldn't ordinarily count myself as one of their number... though I've had my moments.

As crimes of friendship go, new parents are very often guilty of this as well. 

Chris and Sara haven't done it... much.  They went into parenthood well aware that there is a tendency for new parents to pull that sort of disappearing act and prepared to avoid it.  They've made a point of having babysitters around, sometimes even when they're home, to prepare their offspring from a very young age for the idea that sometimes Mommy and Daddy are going to be out living their own lives.  They acknowledged that post-babies, priorities and finances would change, so things would not, could not, be exactly as they were pre-babies.  For example, as music lovers, they were, pre-babies, apt to go out to shows whenever they kind of wanted to check something out.  They acknowledged during the pregnancy that they probably wouldn't be able to do that anymore.  Not that they wouldn't do it, they'd just be a bit more selective, going to see musicians that they really wanted to see rather than those they were merely curious about.  And so far, they've been true to their word.

Although, just because Chris and Sara aren't guilty of it, it doesn't mean that that sort of behaviour doesn't drive me insane.  It's occurred to me that it's not just that pregnancy and childbirth are disgusting that has turned me off parenthood.  It's also that parents of our generation tend to be kind of annoying, and I don't ever want to be like that. 

I've been struggling a bit with the drinking-for-two theme ever since the birth of the minions and the closure of Sara's dairy farm.  Happily (for my writing habit, not so much for my liver), there's plenty about parenthood that drives me to drink. 

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