Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vaginas (Still) On My Mind

I've been spending way too much time thinking about vaginas lately.  I had a dream last night that I looked at mine and discovered that it had transformed into the face of a star-nosed mole.  I woke up in a cold sweat, of course. Look below and imagine my horror.  Feel free to do a Google image search of "star-nosed mole" if this isn't enough eye candy for you.  Interestingly, if you Google "star face mole", you will be treated to many more pictures like this one, as well as a selection of photos of Sarah Jessica Parker. 

So, enough with vaginas.  Back to Sara's pregnancy.  It seems the twins haven't been up to much lately.  Just sort of hanging around waiting.  The ultrasound tech asked Sara this morning if they'd been doing a lot of fighting, as sometimes twins start punching and kicking each other during these late stages in a battle for space, but nothing like that.  Apart from the head kicking incident of several weeks ago, Jack and Molly have been surprisingly peaceful. In fact, last week's ultrasound showed that the gaylords-to-be were spooning each other lovingly.  Jack was the spoon.

Perhaps a drinking update is in order as well.  My drinking challenges of late have included a self-imposed weekend of drinking responsibly and in moderation, so not much to tell there, and a night involving a box of wine and a story that cannot yet be told.  That evening was also supposed to involve margarita popsicles but somehow we never got around to those.  A shame, because I was kind of excited to critique.

In more recent news, I was mostly well behaved at a hometown wedding this past weekend.  The end of the evening found me sitting on the sidewalk outside the hall, giggling hysterically with the matron-of-honour, for reasons I don't remember.  For other reasons I don't remember, I gave the deejay a big hug before leaving.  And I crawled into bed with my mom when I got home and had a little nap.  She didn't seem much disturbed, but quite groggy, so perhaps she didn't notice.  Thankfully I woke up after about an hour, and retired sensibly to the guest room where I belonged.

As for the upcoming weekend, it has been discovered that pouring alcohol on the top of one's head may be an effective way to reduce body temperature in excessive heat, so this Friday night will find me in Chris and Sara's backyard while they douse my head with vodka to see if it works.  Needless to say, I will also drink some of the vodka.

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